
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Day 23: Unproductive guilt of unproductivity

Technically, today is a University holiday. But I want to make up for the past week's lack of productivity, so I set out to do some work (to my disdain).

It's a vicious cycle: I want to be productive, but I'm not productive (because I'm distracted), then I feel guilty for not being productive. Then it makes me aim to be more productive the next day, which realistically won't be achieved!

I wish I could just get rid of the productivity bug and stop having such a high expectation of myself amid this pandemic.

I guess the first step is acceptance. I need to acknowledge that I won't produce the outputs I want. Then just to slowly keep on chipping away with some work bit by bit.

Kia kaha, everyone! Be gentle and forgiving to yourself.


  1. Take it slowly, one day at a time. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Got to accept that this is an abnormal time. Nobody is able to put up or do much. Take care.
