
Saturday, April 4, 2020

Day 12: Workshop and 'switching off'

The workshop happened and it was a good experience! As a facilitator, I am quite happy with the session and I think it was a success. But the true outcome of the workshop won't be known until we have future engagements for the project. The workshop objective was to gather people that might be interested in our EEW project. A total of 28 people (including facilitators and project team members) participated in this virtual workshop.

The workshop happened in the morning, and I did a bit more work in the afternoon sending a few emails. I started to switch off from work with my daily stroll. I spent the rest of the night playing my Nintendo Switch. Playing the Switch has now become my past time off work!

Looking forward to the weekend. Not yet sure what I'll do, but will not spend the entire time playing video games. I'll have to do laundry at some point for sure.

Happy weekend everyone!

Oh... our article on coping with COVID19 got published with the Spinoff.

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